ISSN 2167-8790


"An Online Journal Addressing Attitudes, Anxiety, Confidence, and Best Practices in the Teaching of Mathematics Pre-K and Beyond"


Manuscripts for upcoming issues are accepted for review from September 1st to February 1st of each academic year, please submit during this time frame for consideration. Please see Submission Guidelines.

Please forward by E-mail any comments or suggestions related to the format or content of this website to one of the journal editors or the Webmaster for this website. Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators is a not-for-profit peer-reviewed international online journal. Construction and maintenance of this website is supported by the editors of Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators and the Department of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education at Florida Atlantic University.


"Not since the Soviet Union's launch of the Sputnik satellite has the need to improve science and mathematics education been as clear and urgent."

Educational Testing Service

Mathematics and Kindness:
"If you help others, you will be helped, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in one hundred years, but you will be helped. Nature must pay off the debt... It is a mathematical law and all life is mathematics."


Information About the Journal

The Journal's Editor

  • Joseph M. Furner, Ph.D.
    Editor and Chief, Professor of Mathematics Education
    Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter, Florida

The Journal's Vision

Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators main goal is to provide research, resources, and a forum for improving mathematics education internationally while addressing the math anxious. The hope is to create a society as a whole whom are confident in their ability to do mathematics in order to compete globally in an ever-advancing technological world which relies so heavily on excelling in the areas of mathematics, the sciences, and technology use.

The Journal's Audience

Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators, “An Online Journal Addressing Attitudes, Anxiety, Confidence, and Best Practices in the Teaching of Mathematics Pre-K and Beyond,” is intended for all mathematics educators Pre-K and beyond and other interested parties to provide research, best practices, teaching ideas, a forum, and resources/weblinks that address issues related to math anxiety, math attitudes, the building of math confidence, and overall best practices in the teaching of mathematics.

The Journal's Mission/Philosophy Statement

Joseph M. Furner, the founder of this journal's main intention is to provide a formal forum for the dissemination of research and research results, best practices, teaching ideas, and resources that address issues related to math anxiety, mathematics attitudes, the building of math confidence, and overall best practices in the teaching of mathematics. As the vision statement says one of the main goals of this journal is to enhance best practices in the teaching of mathematics to better prepare society as a whole to be confident in their ability to do mathematics in an ever-advancing technological and globally competitive world.

Submission Overview

Submissions appropriate for Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators include research and expository articles, essays and thought pieces, and professional observations and discussions which focus specifically on issues of content, pedagogy, philosophical and practical theory, research, best practices, teaching ideas, all which are in keeping with the theme of the journal; hence, related to math anxiety, math attitudes, the building of math confidence, and overall best practices in the teaching of mathematics Pre-K and beyond. Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators is an international refereed journal with the main goal being to stimulate the sharing of ideas and discussion among its contributors and readers to ultimately improve mathematics instruction while addressing the math anxious.

The Refereeing Process

Manuscript submissions will be reviewed based on a blind referee format by professional educators and mathematicians which will be chosen by the editors according to their areas of specialization for appropriateness of the topic, validity of the research results or conclusions, general interest in a topic, and adherence to generally accepted standards of good writing. Manuscripts sent to Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators should be in keeping with the theme of the journal; hence, related to mathematics attitudes, math anxiety, confidence building, and overall best practices for teaching mathematics in hope that such research will advance and improve the teaching of mathematics and develop mathematically confident young people.